Earth Wheel Sky Band

After almost 40 years on stage, Novi Sad, Olah Vince, a legendary Gypsy music figure on the Serbian musical scene stepped forward with his own band and new project, The earth Wheel Sky band. Made up of guitar, violin, cymbalom, double bass and percussion, the project is an expression of purely acoustic instruments, showcasing the versatility of sound that traditional instruments and skilled players can produce. Coming from the Vojvodina region of Serbia, a traditional mixing pot of influences and sounds, the skilled musicians of the Earth Wheel Sky band have utilised these influences to create a unique blend of music form their debut album. While Vince had his own bands for ages or collaborated with many local musicians (currently he is a member of Boris Kovac's LaDaABa Orchest), some of his band members performed with Lajko Felix and some also with their own bands. Region of Serbia where they are living, called Vojvodina is part of Panonia, where influences are so mixed, and them, being Gypsies can make something creative out of that. Olah Vince, the Gypsy music activist, is not satisfied to live one life, he is helping others, trying to establish Gypsy radio in Novi Sad, but he cannot live without playing music. Are we not all Gypsies? Listen to this music, dance, shout be Gypsy, be free.

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