Straight out of Bosnia, ripe, bright and tasty as stuffed peppers, LA CHERGA creates 21st Century electro-roots music with a Balkan music consciousness! Bringing together Balkan brass, jazz vocals, Jamaican grooves and electronic beats might sound like a musical recipe for disaster but LA CHERGA rip up the rule book and demonstrate how to build musical and cultural bridges. Grab some friends, something good to drink and turn up the music: LA CHERGA create radical unity party music.
The group consists of six musicians, all from Eastern Europe in the former Yugoslavia, a location and era that has shaped them creatively. Lead singer IRINA KARAMARKOVIC is a refugee from the Kosovo conflict while NEVENKO BUCAN, a Croat electronics wizard with a taste for dubbed out Balkan grooves, also fled the fiery nationalism that destroyed Tito's Yugoslavia. Other members come from Bosnia and Northern Macedonia.
LA CHERGA (named after a Balkan rag rug, appropriate for these musical recyclers) came together in Germany and Austria in a search for a new musical identity, sharing what Irina calls a "Post Pessimist" philosophy, working on cultural exchange projects, differentiating between war profiteers and anti-war profiteers. drawing on the best of both East and West (skanking rhythms and sour horns/boiling dub versus Detroit techno) the group weave a sonic collage, inventing a Balkan internationalist music & manifesto.
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